>>38449473At least Garchomp's mega is balanced. It turns a speedy wallbreaker into a slow mixed attacker and it requires some risk for what can be at times outright insane rewards. Salamence and Metagross just become disgustingly powerful and boast bulk that's downright unfair. Mega Metagross has more physical bulk than fucking SKARMORY. And it's special defense isn't too bad either.
Apaprently megagross was originally going to be a more powerful bulky attacker with Levitate. I kinda wonder what that would have been like but it might have been even worse depending on how much 'bulk' it gained.
Salamence is even more disgustingly powerful and can heal itself but at least it's special bulk isn't so obscene, but having STAB Double Edge of one of the best offensive types in the game and one of the best boosting moves in the game, with one of the best pre-mega abilties in the game, makes it understandably, one of the best things in the game.
I hate these two so much.