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Lorelei’s strategy of using Ice / Water types to lure out Grass types is quite effective; you could almost mistake her for a Water user. Her team would be A-Ninetales, A-Sandslash, Dewgong, Cloyster, Starmie and Jynx.
Bruno relies on chip damage and strong, brute force; therefore, he’ll have Gigalith, A-Golem, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop and Machamp.
Agatha’s main strategy is annoying status effects to constantly throw you off your game; her team is Arbok, Mismagius, Crobat, A-Marowak, Spiritomb and Mega Gengar.
Lance leads with a superior strategy in setup sweeps; Tyranitar, Kingdra, Mega Charizard X, Gyrados, A-Exeguttor and Dragonite.