>>38476781I'm a different person, but a few things:
> I like Zygarde a lot, but it's very clearly not part of the story in Sun and Moon, let alone in USUM. That sidequest has zero plot connections and zero plot resolution, and the only part of it that is mandatory to the plot is a mere one scene... featuring exclusively characters who never interact with any other characters, so it can't even *indirectly* influence the plot. While the implication is that Zygarde probably showed up because of the Ultra Beasts, there's a difference between *the context presented by the plot facilitating a sidequest* and *Zygarde actually doing anything in the plot.*> In the scene when Sina and Dexio give the player the Key Stone, Zygarde has nothing to do with why they give it to you - they just say "while you were off doing this, we were..." and even that is probably just so you remember who they are. They don't mention it again after that.Zygarde is no more plot-relevant than Join Avenue. There's a scene dedicated to introducing its sidequest - to introducing it *as a feature* - but it is literally never a plot point.
And even then, Meltan isn't comparable. The reason Zygarde has what it does in Sun and Moon is because content related to it was already planned and even advertised for Generation VI but never used, so it had to be fit in somehow, which led to a single scene (!!!!) establishing its most basic lore (!!!!) and then leaving it up to the player to hunt its cells down and add it to their team. Meltan was, according to interviews, created specifically to be LGPE's new Pokémon and has met all expectations between Go and Let's Go, so there IS no already-established, explicit, official untapped potential for it like Zygarde.
I'm not saying I don't want it to be involved, and I'm not even saying it definitely won't be, but I am saying that all of the assumptions and leaps you're making to "prove" that it will are wrong and it very much could go either way at this point.