>>38509586On the subject of minor corrections, old-fashioned should be hyphenated. OP is mistaken for fusing them into a compound word; you are mistaken for putting them as separate words.
Fun fact: this only applies if the phrase "old-fashioned" is a modifier placed in front of a noun. In some other cases - like if it's the predicate of a verb of being - there should indeed be a space between them. For example, the old-fashioned man is shouting, but the shouting man is old fashioned.
This is a thread for old-fashioned regional variants (or an old-fashioned thread for regional variants?); regional variants (or this thread?) are old fashioned.
I know no one cares, but I wanted to join in the fun.>>38510400I'm a fan of Galaric - it reminds me of Gaelic. I guess that would apply more to the language than the people, though.