>>38517153I don't remember them being delayed, but they were announced pretty early.
>Red and GreenNo idea when they were announced, but it's at least as far back as the second half of 1995
>BlueNovember 1996 issue of CoroCoro, released in mid-October 1996
>YellowMay 1998 issue of CoroCoro, released mid-April 1998
>Gold and SilverAugust 1996 issue CoroCoro, released in mid-July 1996
>CrystalHinted at as Pocket Monsters X in December 1999, but I don't know the actual day it was revealed as Crystal
>Diamond and PearlOctober 7th, 2004 at a pre-launch Nintendo DS conference
>PlatinumMay 11th, 2008 in the June 2008 CoroCoro
>HeartGold and SoulSilverMay 2nd, 2009 for the first hints, May 8th for the full confirmation
I'm a little hazy on Gen III, but Gen II, IV, and V all had 4 year development cycles, and I'd say they're the best out of all the Gens. I find myself disappointed with all the ones that only have 3 years (III, VI, and VII, probably VIII).