Kalos is a bit less obvious:
Delphox as a fire-themed witch becomes a bit of a disturbing motif when you look back through French history. I immediately began thinking of the execution of Joan of Arc and the pogroms against the Huguenots. And European religious conflicts in general. This isn't me being a Fatefag (I drew the comparison before even hearing about *that* particular IP), this is a historical callback that GF probably didn't mean to make but did anyway.
Other than the tongue-scarf thing, Grenigga doesn't scream "France". It's honestly a bit of an offensive homage, given that British folk used to give the French the epithet of "Frog", and that the French eat frog's legs. Oh, and maybe because Croque Monsieur, despite having NOTHING to do with actual amphibians (you'd hope when eating one), sounds like an English onomatopoeia for the noises some frog/toad species are often depicted as making.
Chesnaught's knight motif is honestly kinda dark if you make a couple leaps of logic. Note that France's knights were considered the flower of European chivalry for a long time. That's a decent justification in and of itself. Fine. It gets worse, though. Where did these knights get trounced? Agincourt. How? Longbowmen. What do arrows do? They *fly*. At high speeds. Kalos is home to a shitload of fast Flying-types (Aerodactyl, Talonflame, Swellow, Hawlucha, Noivern, Yanmega, Dodrio, etc). And guess what Chesnaught's double-weakness is? Also, from what I gather, France contains the majority of the European chesnut's range. It's also interesting to note that most if not all the Carolignan Empire fits into the native range of the European Hedgehog. You may make the case that the three sets of spikes are a reference to the Fleur-de-Lis, but I honestly don't think so.