>>38561922Normally, I wouldn't dignify this with a response, but fuck you, I'm aNONEMOOSE and it's time for me to edumucate my fellow Mongolian basket weaving forum users
The actual statistic is 41% suicidality-- by age 30. But the part that nobody on this site seems to be aware of and/or conveniently leaves out is that this is that those who actually start sipping that hormonal treatment juice have the risk cut by more than half. Just something to consider.
Source is "Intervenable factors associated with suicide risk in transgender persons: a respondent driven sampling study in Ontario, Canada", BMC Public Health, 2015. I'd link it like a normal person but I'd probably have to spend ten minutes figuring out how to elude the spam filter on this site.
Anyway, I'm sorry a few coloured lines in a platforming game encourage you to derail a thread about video game false tree monsters. I'm not opening this thread again, so I don't really care whether you decide to continue this shitstorm or not. But why did you post such an orange character? I mean, like, come on, there are other colours.
Also, if you post on this website, chances are you don't have much room to call other people mentally ill.