>>38583910Gotta disagree with you there, I feel like some areas of Johto could've been expanded upon to give the player more to do and show that similar to FRLG, Emerald and Platinum Game Freak was willing to expand beyond the expectations of their base game. I think it would've been a good move on their part if they included a more complete subplot involving the Unown and Suicune, along with Eusine's character, perhaps whilst Raikou and Entei are still found in the Burned Tower, Suicune is actually trapped in the dimension of the Unown (basically an excuse for them to show off the same tech as the Distortion World) and the player would have to find Eusine who would be researching various Ruins of Unown across the Johto Region, the Ruins of Alph would be the largest but you might have smaller ones in Mt. Mortar, North Cianwood City, Lake of Rage, Dark Cave and Ilex Forest.
In addition it would've been good to see a bit more characterisation from the Gym Leaders, Falkner, Bugsy, Chuck & Pryce are all underutilized and it'd be good if Falkner appeared on Route 30/31 essentially showing off to other trainers, for Bugsy he could tag team with the player to fight a pair of Rocket Grunts investigating Celebi's Shrine, Chuck could have the player helping him complete a small task like dealing with some Team Rocket Grunts on Route 47 who caused a landslide. Lastly Pryce should really have in someway helped with the Rocket Hideout situation, even if it's just a supporting role for the initial attack on the hideout.
The other thing is I'd like to have seen them include some areas that weren't Routes but had a similar function, this would be a way for them to make some of the Pokemon that weren't available until very late or even post game available earlier. They could be about the size of something like Lostlorn Forest but just scattered across the area giving little setpieces to make them visually memorable.