>>38589587Considering the original argument was a use of real world logic in terms of biology, then yes, one would have to argue using real world logic, which the game directly contradicts. As for genders existing in the first place, it's called dimorphism, where species exhibit different characteristics based on their genders, this isn't always sexual in nature, even in our world.
As for "nobody", yes, that is directly stated by multiple individuals within the games, adults alike, who should logically know what sex is. If even the Professors can't explain it, then it stands to reason that it isn't sex.
>>38589084 Even the games hint that Pokemon relationships are a thing, neither it nor the movie imply sex in any way. "Not that kind of Pokemon" just implies he doesn't want a relationship with a human, that doesn't particularly mean its sexual in nature, and again the same can be applied to real world logic. Also being let into someone's apartment doesn't imply sex in any way.
Now using said real world logic, all things hint towards it just being magic. End of story.