>>38659841Except that's fucking wrong. Z-Moves are worst exactly because of what you said, ANY pokémon can use them, Just look at OU and UU for example, Megas aren't a requirement for a good team the same can't be said about Z-Moves because they turn what was a weak coverage move or a low power stab into a fucking Nuke, Why you think stall is so dead? not only there a lot of viable stallbreakers they can simple put a Z-Move and now, your Clefable/Quagsire can't stop the sweeper since its taking a hit on the entrance and a nuke on the second turn so turn, then it can go and fuck that team, same thing happens outside of stall, were a dangerous sweeper or wallbreaker can breakthrough his would be checks and counters by dropping a fucking nuke on them. And UU, just look at UUBL, at least one third of those mons got banned because they could buttfuck their Counters/Checks with a Z-Move. Both Z-Moves and Megas come with a nice thing in theory: Megas would allow shitmons to be on the spotline and Z-Moves allowed any mon to be viable tehory, however GF gave a lot of megas to mons which didn't needed like the Ttar and Chomp, a few which at time didn't needed like the eon dragons, mance, gross while making some which are garbage which nobody uses like M-Audino, it was more a popularity contest than a way to make bad stuff good, Z-Moves however didn't make bad mons good, they just made good mons even better.