Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[6 / 1 / ?]

Consider the following:

No.38693010 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Battling online now rewards BP. 1 BP per loss, 2 BP per win.
>Ability Capsules are now purchasable with BP and work at level 50. A new Hidden Ability Capsule is introduced, and is also purchasable with BP and works at level 50.
>Bottle Caps and Gold Bottle Caps are now purchasable with BP.
>Players now have access to "rental Pokemon" a la Pokemon Stadium, with builds taken from high level players and teams on their respective ladders. Pokemon can be rented for a certain number of battles for a nominal amount of BP.

Does this help improve the competitive ladder on cart? Injectors are still gonna inject but at least this now lowers the barrier to entry for breeders and other more casual players even more.