>>38694121>Do you have one? Which game did you start it in?Yes, and Ruby, although I didn't get really serious about it until HGSS and BW. I've been slowly trying to build a second living dex in Emerald just for fun, but it's only ~1/3 complete before I transfer Colosseum mons over to it.
>Is it complete? If not, who are you missing?In the general sense, yes, in that I have everything from FireRed Bulbasaur to US Zeraora, plus Meltan and Melmetal from LGP and all the Alola forms from SM. In the more autistic sense, I don't have all the gender variants and am missing a few of the Vivillion variants.
>Which was the hardest mon to get so far?The honeytree mons in gen 4 (settled for catching them in Johto), Glameow (because I didn't own Pearl but still wanted to catch it myself rather than get it for free in a trade), Yanma in HG, Mareanie in SM, and currently the more difficult Vivillion variants.
>How much of your dex came from wonder trades?0%.
>How much of your dex is legit?100%, including all mythicals and eventmons. Even got weird stuff from Japan, 100% legit shiny Mew from Japanese Emerald, such as the shiny Jirachi and anime Serena's Fennekin from gen 6. Any hacks that I did when I was younger were mass released around 2010, and were replaced by the real deal.
>>38695430Basically collect dust in Bank. Same for my extra eventmons that I got multiples of; whereas my regular event mons collect dust in my US file since I want to keep them mint. I mean, I've got 13 different Celebi from events stretching back to gen 3 with the 10th Anniversary one all the way up to the shiny one from VC Crystal.