alright, Kakunanon here!
we made it to Numvea Town and my little buddy already got her (oh yeah the professor found out it's a girl Kakuna) checkup with the professor
Professor Juniper told me that Kakuna must've got herself lost from Route 12, seeing as that's one of the breeding grounds for Beedrill in Unova, but how she made it all the way from there to my house all the way in Driftveil is beyond either of us
She thinks Kakuna must've followed me to my house after i told her that i left Lacunosa Town after visiting some friends
Juniper said that Kakuna has a minor case of PokeRus, but it's nothing to worry about, it should actually help her get stronger
i was told by Juniper just to let her go and she'd find her way back to her hive, but when we set her free all she did was look at us and then waddle back to my feet
looks like she's mine now. any ideas for nicknames?
was it consensual and loving?>>38741549hey, he could just have a fish friend
not all people who have pokemon fight with them