>>38743955-Copying kanto pokemon designs, but making them worse.
-Really pushing for objectmons
-Black and white had such a terrible story they needed sequels for them to make sense.
-The first gym being a complete waste/tutorial
-the entire gen is ridiculously hand-holder and probably one of the most steamlined and simplistic in the main series.
-Charon is the worst rival in the series
-instead of fighting skilled pokemon trainers, the game actually has you verse literal pre-schoolers on several occassions.
-N is a fucking retarded antagonist and ghetsis' master plan makes absolutely no sense (even less sense than archie's plan to flood the fucking planet).
-team plasma is the most inventive and least creative evil team in the main series, they serve absolutely no purpose except to be barriers to entry.
-the worst and most forgettable mytrhics/legendaries in the series.
-absolute worst seasons of the anime were in unova/gen5.
-all the worst pokemon movies were in unova/gen5