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No.38766645 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Two professors, fraternal twins. The sister gives you the pokedex and the brother gives you your starter pokemon. Both are studying polymorphism in pokemon evolutionary lines.

One of the gym leaders is a returning face, the others are all new. Gym leaders will "truly" test the merit if trainers in Sword and Shield.

No Galar forms, but a handful of past generation pokemon will recieve evolutions thanks to a new evolutionary stone that adds steel typing. Arbok, Primeape, Sunflora, Dunsparce, Chimecho & Luvdisc evolutions announced. No names are given, The Pokemon Company wants fans to guess the names using the hashtag #WhosThatPokemon before releasing them.

New pokemon:
Squirel (Normal)
Storkel (Flying/Water)
Camopillar (Bug)
Voletile (Electric/Water)