>>387701915/18 Too many waifus, megas, and furbait..
>>3877023317/18 Not bad at all.
>>3877023815/18. Slurpuff?
>>3877029514/18 Too many objectmons.
>>3877030314/18 Love Fletchinder and Litten.
>>3877039714/18. Garchomp, Scizor, and the Regis...
>>3877056312/18 Too many teeth, horns, and spikes.
>>387705828/18 I like most of the bottom row and half of the top.
>>38770598?/18 This one's all over the place.
>>3877068513/18. Duskull is somehow adorable for what it is.
>>3877074210/18 Too many Digimon,
>>3877078711/18 Too many waifus and Digimon.
>>38770809>Umbreon18/18. He grants you 5 extra-credit points.
>>38770841>KANTOOOOOOOOOO>>3877086012/18 Too much aggression. Love Espeon with all my heart.
>>3877092714/18 Too many Digimon.