>>38822540Extra deck being a thing is the entire problem, which was started by Synchro essentially, because nobody gave a shit about Fusions; Fusion deck was unlimited for a reason. The game had its problems before then but after Synchro is started spiraling out of control retardedly, to the point where over last 11 years - since PTDN wet full retards - there's been a total of maybe 1 calendar year worth of time periods (usually directly after ban lists, before any new sets) where the game was playable at all.
Having access to all the extra deck bullshit at all times, plus increased tutoring options, turned the game into a mess of 'pull off your combo before I pull of yours', with all the games looking the same because again, between tutoring and extra deck you can pull off the same retarded broken set of plays very consistently, basically every game.
So yeah again, Synchro killed the game. It doesn't matter that all the bullshit that came later like Xyz, Links was even worse. Synchro was the tipping point where things turned unsalvagable, except for removing Extra Deck which won't ever happen.