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ITT: We make kino Pokemon battles

No.38824689 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Reach Champion's room
>The room is simply a vast field of white flowers amidst a black background, with a single throne in the middle
>The Champ is sitting in the throne
>He's very old and looks quite sickly, a stark contrast to the many young Champions we've been having.
>He's absolutely not fit to be the Champion, it takes him a while to walk up to you
>He tells you if you win, he will retire from Pokemon battling for good, and has been searching for an heir to the throne.
>The battle begins, and something like this plays
>Something very slow and somber, another contrast to how hype many Champion themes are.
>When you win, he tells you he can finally die in peace knowing he has found an heir
>He's never seen again in the post-game, his great-grandson (Your rival) uses his team in one of their post-game battles.