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No.38836120 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be Lillie
>left Alola two weeks ago
>it was the worst decision you ever made
>the moment you got off of the boat in Kanto, your life has been a living hell
>you have no money, no friends, and no Pokémon
>reduced to begging
>no one helped
>started selling sexual favors
>the few clients you found viciously abused you
>the last one stole your clothes
>sitting in an alley near a dumpster, stark naked and filthy
>it's under ten degrees outside
>your toes and fingers are black with frostbite
>you haven't eaten since you arrived and can't sleep comfortably
>fairly certain you're about to die in a foreign land and will undoubtedly be buried in an unmarked grave with no one to mourn you
>right before death claims your shivering body, a Meowth walks by and pisses on your leg
>that little bit of extra warmth keeps you from lapsing into a coma
>you get to continue suffering for a little bit longer

Wow, Lillie truly is trash, isn't she? Only a loser would waifu a disgusting wastrel like that.