>>38848041The theming should be more subtle and they shouldn't have switched the colors so much
>>38848225They're missing the entire point of the mustache. If they put it back on/minimized it I'd be on board
>>38848271I like this one not gonna lie. Looks like this angry screeching frog and original Heatran is gross
>>38848437Way to miss the entire point of the design. Unsalvagable
>>38848678Why the spikes? Also they should shorten the legs if not scrap them completely
>>38850503Eh. I don't see the point
>>38850520It's fine. Then again it's not hard to outdo Jinx
>>38850788I like this design way more despite them missing the point of the original
>>38850812I kinda like them all. Maybe too cartoony but also less boring
>>38850827Horrible Beedril and overall meh. Again, too cartoony