>>38854259>"I still don't understand video game development, but I'm mad, so will call Game Freak names to make myself feel better"It's to do with the hardware you retard. Game Freak had no need to look at shitbox/Basedstaion tier hardware, as Nintendo wasn't giving them HD console tier hardware to work with (it was actually pretty dogshit by the time the 3DS launched, not to say how outdated it was when XY launched). Can't drive a 1.0l opel corsa for 20 years, then jump behind the wheel of the latest Ferrari F1 car and be able to do milisecond-perfect flying laps without training in said F1 car first. THAT'S why it doesn't look like every other studio who had access to home console hardware for the last 15 years, because they need to teach themselves how to do this shit (Give a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach him to fish, he eats for life).