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No.38861538 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Was told that posting here might make some of you happy.

Ice mansion coined the Fross Estate has a massive library, kinda pretty, more detailed than most areas indoors which made it feel like you'd be doing some things later there.

There were three people that talked about mythology.

Fat guy talks about a tale where two people died protecting a valley of Pokemon from barbarians, and were resurrected as thanks for their pure hearts.

Nerd talks about a war that roamed across regions, each region forced the war out in their own way.

Little girl hums about a bird of a thousand colors gave the "colors of honor" to four souls that lost their way, the "colors of life" to three pokemon that lost their lives, and "the colors of resolve" to two people who proved their worth beyond measure.

I'm not really fond of the series but a job was a job. A friend told me some people really get worked up over lore and frankly I feel betrayed by my company so I hope this makes someone else feel excitement at least.