The Squirrel's first form at least will be shown. Probably a regional bug as well.
They'll likely have the demo be just exploring the early Wild Area, with a bunch of starter mon and some trainers.
It's not unusual either. Just look at how Sun/Moon's reveal schedule was around this time:
>Feb 26, 2016 - Sun & Moon Announced>May 10- Starters Revealed>June 2 - Legendary Info & Explore the Alola RegionJune 4 - The Incineroar, Decidueye & Primarina pages get posted on /vp/
>June 14 - Pikipek, Yungoos, Grubbin, Battle Royal>July 1 - Tapu Koko, Charjabug, Vikavolt, Drampa, Bruxish, Cutiefly, Togedemaru>July 7 - SalanditJuly 8 - Chinese text leak with a bunch of info
>July 19 - Wimpod, Bounsweet, Comfey, Mudsdale, Mimikyu, Bewear, Hyper Training