>>38888513Likes music, talks about it too much.
>>38888575Used to be a prodigy, let himself go a bit since.
>>38888626Show-off. Probably thinks about sucking cock.
>>38888796Has 7 Pokemon, called the police on this fucker.
>>38889047Uses 3D Models, is to be shot on sight.
>>38889118Good taste, I like you.
>>388891503D cunt, but decent team.
>>388891803D Stacey, but perfect taste. Would cuddle.
>>38889195Badass, but likes to fondle his Gardevoir in secret.
>>38889226A chad that touched his Eevee weird once, and now it won't leave him alone.
>>38889265A man of culture
>>38890053Has weird hentai fetishes.
>>38890221A lad
>>38890407A top lad
>>38890537This dude's a ghost.
>>38890600 Would touch fanny.
>>38890601Artsy cunt
>>38890616True lad.
>>38890633Good at what she does, to an annoying level.
>>38890670Likes ancient mythology
>>38890675*Tips fedora*
>>38890690Be patient, has autism.
>>38890698A real cool dude.
>>38890699A fucking weirdo
>>38890843Cool guy, bet he's into hiking and shit.
>>38890894Tough trainer, would make it to the E4.
>>38890920Into essential oils
>>38890949Seems trustworthy.
>>38891011Great taste, loves big bois.
>>38891014Uses a fucking Corsola. Absolutely based.
>>38891082EBA Chad, 10/10
>>38891101EBA Chad's brother, 11/10
>>38891215Favourite superhero is Black Panther
>>38891269Decent team, good friend, always the first to buy a round of drinks.
>>38891348He fucks the flower. I'm into it.
>>38891365Likes trumpets.
>>38891459Noctowl chad, made a bad starter choice.
>>38891508>6 final form pokemon, 0 badges>>38891516Enjoys dinosaurs and dragons, historychad.