>>38895279DONE. It's over. Pokémon is fucking dead. These games are an auto-skip and if this is really the way they're doing things from now on, I quit for good. This is not only absolutely retarded but also inexcusably lazy. It's not even because of technical limitations like when it happened in Gen 3. This is just them not programming data they already have and models they already did years before out of pure lazy and rush to shit out a game every year for the fucking shills. I want these games to flop so hard, Masuda commits seppuku but sadly, that most likely won't happen. I'm not putting all my Pokémon in a paid cloud service just for them to stay there. Fuck Masuda! He's doing this out of spite for the sells failure of Gen V (even though those games were better than anything released after the 3DS). Fuck this soulless shit. One can only hope the backlash is so big they change their mind but this is GF, so they might stick to it, probably because the fucking shills will just buy this turd of a game anyway as shit-eaters they are.