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Ah yes, 'Ultra Changes'. This game was met with all kinds of valid critcism that I stand by.
> It was a 3rd Version in 2019, instead of a sequel or DLC.
> Deceptive marketing. 'This isn't the Alola you thought you knew...'? 'Ultra Changes'? 'Double the story volume'? What an absolute crock. BW2 justified itself plainly as a sequel to the Unova story, and didn't need to feed us a pack of actual lies.
> The story made way less sense than the original. They wanted to turn Lusamine into a morally grey character, but they didn't change the story enough to justify it. She's still terrible to her children, and locks up her Pokemon in cryo.
> Ultra Recon Squad were disappointing, and ultimately forgettable. The idea of exploring Ultra Space with an advanced civilization was definitely fascinating...But they exist almost entirely for exposition throughout the game, and their homeworld is a glorified hallway.
> They somehow made Rotom Dex even worse, with more talking. Yet you HAVE to play with it if you want to get O-Powers back :/ And unlike XY, it's a random roll of which ones you can even use...