>>38930766>warrant the game to be put off much longer in developmentand that would be a good fucking thing. Masuda and company are always complaining about time constraints. They did so yesterday, Ohmori said he was scarcely able to finish SM in time for the 20th anniversary, XY were clearly unfinished as well... Not to mention the "making game very hard don't have high expectations" thing.
Granted, the deadlines are most likely not decided by gamefreak itself, but SOMEONE, whether nintendo or TPCi or whatever, is forcing this stupid habit of shitting out game after game, and the quality of the product is greatly suffering because of this. These practices need to stop. People fucking love this franchise. Pokemon won't fall into oblivion for having a gap year or two. In fact, if they are smart, they could encourage an immense amount of hype that would end up sending their already high sales through the roof. But somewhere in all of this are people whose greed will end up actually killing pokemon, and everyone, them included, will lose in the end.