>>38942472It isn’t even “the west’s pockets” devs want anymore, it’s now China.
A country with huge amount of people with a fairly recent lifted ban.
And it’s hard to blame the people as unlike the “Consume product, don’t ask questions” mindset people joke about for the west, in China, it’s like a restaurant opening the floodgate to a human ocean of people who haven’t eaten in weeks, they’re gonna eat whatever they can get their hands on no matter the quality of the food.
Now that may sound like a poor anaology because food doesn’t equal to products-people-use-for-leisure.
But if you were exposed to all these new things that may or not be of standard quality elsewhere in the world, if you knew no difference and were even remotely interested in something that was heavily marketed within your reach of noticing, would you not partake?
What it boils back to is those who develop the product, and how far they’re willing to go to “maximize” their product.