>>38945272>be a kid>get Pokemon Sun as your first pokemon game>catch every pokemon in the game>Feel pleased having caught them all>particularly enjoy raising Pyukumuku>he's your favorite by far>get a switch for christmas>excited to see what sort of pokemon game comes to the switch, can't wait to catch all the new ones>oh, it's a remake of the first games>have fun with that, come to like kabutops a lot>Sword and Shield is announced>oh wow!>beg your parents to preorder>get pokemon Home so you can transfer all your favorites and more>"Sorry, that pokemon cannot be transferred.">Die inside seeing your old mons trapped in Home>beg parents to keep paying the subscription for Home so you don't lose your old mons>they just don't understand what you're freaking out about>"Sorry son, but we have to tighten our belts a little this year.">cry for months about your deleted pokemon>"Prease understan, weuh hado to make room for quareety animaytions."See, I can do it too.
But to address your point, if the national dex is in the game, then that leaves room for subsequent games to finish up the dex for people who don't have the older games, similar to how it was done with Ruby and Sapphire. So instead of just being barred, period from catching them all in Sword and Shield, at least another game can be bought to complete the dex. It's not a perfect compromise, but it's better than gutting the dex.