>>38944432To make progress for the series. Just because this development cycle was hell for them doesn't mean removing worthless mons isn't a good idea in the long run.
>LESS CONTENT?!?!?Uh, no. That's not how it works. There's new content, and features unique to this game. It just doesn't rely on rehashing past pokemon for "content." How the fuck is that content anyway? It's a balancing nightare is what it is.
The one sucking corporate dick is you, obsessed with any shit design this team has pumped out instead of looking for them to improve. Leave the cancer behind and focusing on improvement is the only way to save this garbage series. You had your turn for a fucking decade. Now its our turn. The ones who wanted a REAL sequel since gold/silver instead of the fucking SLOP you've been praising all these years. Go fuck yourself, I bet you've boughten every single game up until now you fucking pokefetish grotesqeue faggot. People like you crying over MUH POKEMON MUH FAVORITE POKEMON are the absolute worst fucking cancer on the face of the planet. If you want to bitch about lazy animations then bitch about it. Don't cry about OHNOALL800ARENTHERE ITS THE APOCALYPSE like you've been doing, you fucking worthless baby.
Go ahead and type your wall of text as you seethe. I've already left the board. Just remember you are the obsessed one here. I'm the one looking towards the future while you're stuck in the past.s