>>38976369>No they don't, the normal form and design of a pokemon who has a mega is still there, just don't mega evolve it. .And have a competitively unviable shitmon in the process. It's a lose-lose situation
>The higher special defense, his no guard ability and his dynamopunch move. I meant as in any sets or games comparing AV Machamp to Conkeldurr, but ok
>I just showed you a way where machamp is better than conkeldurrWhich pretty much doesn't matter because Conkeldurr is still better in literally every other way
>Not special bulk, hence why Machamp can pull off the assault vest better than conkeldurr.Doesn't make a huge difference. Conkeldurr has a higher HP, meaning it can spec into SpDef ev's and be bulkier than Machamp, despite lower base Special Defense
What I believe Machamp needs to be equally matched with Conkeldurr is more Speed (to around 80 or so, to function as a wallbreaker) and less Special Attack (to around Conkeldurr's level, or lower. This would make it so Machamp's BST isn't too high) and a better HA than Steadfast (a buff to Steadfast would also work, but other HA's Machamp could have could include Iron Fist, Technician, Defiant, Moxie, ect)
I'm not sure how well these buffs would work for my goal, but it should at least give the buffs needed for Machamp to be a staple wallbreaker in UU or OU