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What about the fucking wasted models?

No.38983313 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So we all know by now about the models which were made in Sun and Moon which had FUCKING 8-16 animations for each pokemon overworld.
Now i´m wondering what the fuck happend to them since well if they aren´t being used then it´s bucket loads of money thrown out the window. Anyways here are things that i asked myself or questions about it relating to the recent news about the NationalDex thing.

Anon there isn´t space for that many pokemon with all their animations!
We KNOW that they had already made overworld animations for EVERY POKEMON SO FAR. Why were they thrown out? why were they never used? but most importantly- WHY WERE THEY BEING STORED THERE IF THEY AREN`T USED FOR ANYTHING. They always talked about how with Ultra Sun and Moon that they were pushing the boundiaries of the 3DS to it´s limits so it makes no sense to loiter around with wasted space. And no these aren´t attack animations these are walking- running and SOOO many more i´ll start by linking two and from there you should be able to explore: [Embed] [Embed]
>The 3DS had cartridge space of 1-8 GB
>The Switch cartridge has 1-32 GB space
With this in mind why don´t they just transfer the fucking data from the previous games onto this one since they are reusing the models from the game anyways. And it´s VERY improbable that they now don´t have any space on it.
This argument of free space is also supported by the fact that we KNOW that they have been leaving Lillie models on EVERY ROUTE AND PLACE SHE APPEARS. Thats extra MBs that are not being used because they didn´t want to reuse the same model.
There was a channel that recorded these kind of shit from Sun and Moon named something like Rusyaeffy but his shit was taken down after he went on to make Pokemon Stars where he abused and used the living daylight out of the animations- showing how competently Game Freak had MADE them but not utilised them.