Posted this in another thread, but this is my Renegade Platinum team. Really a romhack and not an actual pokemon game, but hey, it's something.
Gligar's been doing okay so far, but hasn't really had a chance to shine yet. Will evolve fairly soon, so that'll boost her up a bit. Rotom's been doing great, honestly, solid team member.
Leafeon's gotten a few stat changes (I think mostly just shuffling around) and new moves (the only one I'm really using is Night Slash, though) and an earlier leaf blade. Pretty good, surprisingly high defense to boot.
Farfetch'd is waaaay better in Ren. Plat than in normal games. Currently has a Stick+Super Luck as an ability, which is great (Though I think it's bugged or something, unsure). Real glass cannon-y. High attack and speed, but piss-poor defenses and usually can't take much more than a single hit from an equally levelled mon, especially if its an SE. Good sweeper, though, if it can get up just one swords dance.
Empoleon's been slacking a tiny bit recently. But it just recently evolved into an Empoleon, so hopefully it'll do better. No real changes of note.
Skuntank's great. Surprisingly decent bulk with all that HP, helped a ton in Fantina's gym.
As for Renegade Plat itself, pretty nice honestly. Most HM usage in the overworld is removed (though Strength, Surf, and Rock Climb are still present) and roadblocks are changed around a bit. For instance, you can go to the Route 205 grasspatch near the Valley Windworks before beating Team Galactic, allowing you access to a few more pokemon, a small part of Route 216 opens up just before Gardenia so you can get Ice Types, etc. Difficulty's good. Decently challenging (I've wiped like three times so far, actually), but not overbearing. Would recommend.