>>38999967>Be fucking satisfied.What's wrong with these people? Do they not realise this is a consumer product that people are potentially going to be handing over their hard earned money for? Not to mention the fact that lots have already paid for the switch itself and made an investment in the hopes of playing decent games and some specifically for Pokemon. Or that they've paid for PokeBank for years, or the time and money they've invested in older games, with the seeming promise of always being able to bring Pokemon forward. They're fully entitled to criticise the game, and any other product that's intended for sale. Like how much of a consumerist shill do you have to be, that you start defending billion dollar companies over their shitty decisions. They want $60 for these games, they should reach a certain standard, and objectively speaking they're way below standard when compared to other games of this generation, and even past generations of games.