>>39001948I like its design. I love the "bat" mask it has over its face and its ponytail, its pointy nose and ears, its noodle limbs, and the coloring. Dark blue and pink go along so well together. More than that though, I love how we're getting a Dark/Fairy typing. As a Darkfag myself, I've been patiently waiting for the 3 remaining unused Dark-type combinations to get fulfilled, and to think the best one of the 3 is actually being tackled first. Awesome! Dark/Fairy is such an amazing type combination offensively and defensively, as it is only weak to 3 types (2 of which aren't that commonly used: Poison and Steel), it is immune to Psychic and Dragon, and it has a few resists in Ghost and Dark (with Dark being a double resist). Impidimp has both Play Rough and Sucker Punch, so it has a lot of promise competitively. So far it's my favorite new Pokemon in SWSH, and one I am definitely adding to my team no matter what. Depending on how late you obtain it, as well as its overall stat distribution and whether it gets a late evolution, Impidimp might be one of the best non-Legendary, non-Mythical Gen VIII Pokemon.
But of course most of vp hates the design. They don't like the proportions, the tongue sticking out, the shape of its limbs, it not "looking like a Pokemon," etc. But conversely, vp seems to love Wooloo while I don't really care much for it.