>>39029444I do like the art direction they are using, i think the Sun and Moon style they've been using perfectly nails the Pokemon aesthetic and is future-proof but i feel like the graphics in general look incredibly fucking lazy.
They literally just grabbed the 3DS assets and upscaled them, this is not acceptable. Games like Breath Of The Wild and Xenoblade 2 have shown us what the Switch's hardware is really capable of and let's not talk about the Butcher-Dex.
They said they removed plenty of Pokémon in order to make the animations more polished but Scorbunny's double kick is just a foot PNG and Blastoise can't even use his big ass cannons.
I know the full Game Freak team isn't available since they're working in other games but that's their own fault, Nintendo should have suspended their other projects until the New Pokémon game was gold
I really really really hope they delay the game until next year to rework the game's graphics, animations and get all the fucking Pokémon.
This is Pokémon's first mainline entry on a home console and Nintendo is allowing them to be lazy and uninspired as fuck