>>39078903This is accurate, Pokémon peaked at Gen 4 with the most complex designs. Gen 5, 6, 7 and 8... Why the big dip in quality? Some of the shit at the latest gens I don't even feel comfortable calling them Pokémon, they're more kiddies doodles with no sense of aesthetic.
Let this sink in. Now it's not a mere fluke. HALF the pokemon regions will officially be shit once sword and shield come out. That doesn't make me hopeful for the future, they need another director. I want more Electivires, Rhyperiors, Ledians, Mewtwos, Genesext, Absol, Luxray...
The Mega Pokémon made me happy because it was a return to powerful designs, but I guess they discarded Megas because "badass" is not something they want to sell anymore.
And no, the SS legendaries are overdesigned shitty fanart, they aren't what I wanted