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No.39096607 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>There should be a Sound type!
>There shouldn't be a Nuclear type!
>Dark has nothing to do with literal darkness!
>Dark types can't be evil, they're just misunderstood!
>Gyarados isn't a Dragon type because it's based on a certain legend!
>Blastoise is like Digimon because it has cannons!
>Mimikyu and Marill are pikaclones!
>The plural of Pikachu is Pikachus!
>The anime is bad!
>Iwata saved GSC!
>Arceus is merely a demiurge!
>Unown are based on Hiroshima nuclear bomb victims!
>Mew can learn Crabhammer!
>Whitney is hard!
>G..oodra is female-onIy!
>The Popplio and Fennekin line aren't supposed to be female!
>Even daring to consider Pokemon your waifu should be punishable by law!
>Gen 5's and 6's protagonists are 14/15/16!
>Waifu characters are bad!
>Liking Pokeporn is bad!
>Being a furry is bad!
>Pokemon doesn't need to be realistic!
>DBZ should have ended after Frieza!
>Graveler and Machoke are supposed to be traded with each other!
>Ghost types aren't literally dead!
>Most Pokemon parodies are funny!
>The guy with six Magikarp in each game is funny!
>Pokemon was harder in my days!
>I play and enjoy Pokemon Go!
>Kanto is the best region!
>LGPE is not comfy!
>Detective Pikachu sucked!
>It's called SwSh and not SS!
>Sword and Shield look bad!
>Nessa is Indian!
>Nessa should be white!
>Long-time fans are just a bunch of entitled autistic manchildren!