>>39114213See? Better choices than I made, it's relatively late right now, so my thinking isnt the highest. I gave Scout Braviary because he goes fast, but there were better choices, such as Soldier. As for Ditto for both Medic and Spy, ditto is a pokemon that is used somewhat frequently by the mad scientists in game, iirc, and it also changes shape, like spy. I forgot completely about electrode because of a certain experience I had with a shiny geodude a very long time ago, he used explosion or selfdestruct, whatever it is.
>>39114228I was going to give medic two nursemons, but decided not to because it seemed generic. My original choices were Audino and Chansey. I gave Medic Dustox because of his syringes in the game, I've alwayd thought they were filled with poison of some sort, and Dustox is a poison type, I explained Ditto in the reply previous to this, and Slowking was a bad choice, I was trying to go with a mon that was smart like medic, but also chill to counteract Medics mad science shit.