[31 / 5 / ?]
Why do people here hate on Serena? I never understood all the hate that she got, she's cute for crying out loud and top tier if I do say so myself. What's not to like about that?>But she has no personality! >muh Ash >muh XY >muh megas >But the serenafags are all so annoying Listen /vp/, imma fill you all in on a little secret, its inevitable that a fanbase whether it be Pokégirls or some other franchise will always get its obnoxious fags, always. Its in every fanbase and serena's fanbase isn't any different. But you shouldn't let the annoying side of her fanbase stand in the way between you and a potentinal waifu. Her design is all that matters, not her personality. You wouldn't give 2000 freshly lynched niggers about May or Dawn or Shauna's personality, who gives a shit about that, most likely they will never make a comeback in the anime again. You have to be a bland person to actually care about personality, they aren't real. You like them for their design. Serena has one of the best protag designs so why hate on her? She is just as good as any other Pokégirl but anons here seem to have unjustified biased/unwarranted hate against Serena, as for the Serena community, I will say repeat myself: every Pokégirl has fans and its inevitable that the annoying kinds will slip in but you should not let that sway the pendulum away letting these little irrelevant things get in the way of realizing Serena is just as good as any other Pokégirl. Ignore her story in the game/anime (throw those out the window) and just focus on the looks. Forget about ash, forget about megas, forget about her beimg in XY, forget about the opinions of her here whether good or bad. Concentrate on the looks, concentrate, long and hard /vp/. It doesn't get much easier to explain than this.
>>39125456 The forced shipping bullshit that 1 (ONE) writer pushed into the anime
>Her design is all that matters Her design is bland desu
>>39125456 m8, Serena's design literally has Ash on her. The anime one anyway.
>>39125487 It wasn't one writer, it was most of the writers, the producers, the directors, TPC, and so on.
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>>39125456 People just hate her because they follow the hivemind, nobody here has a genuine reason for hating her.
>>39125456 Her tits start inches down from where the art depicts, she's a flat tranny you horny cucks.
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>>39125456 Why does she have a wrench? Shes not a mechanic
>>39125456 >Her design is all that matters, not her personality. >You like them for their design. Serena has one of the best protag designs so why hate on her? >just focus on the looks Except they managed to ruin even that with the disgusting haircut.
>>39125456 Because theres a cult worshipping her that invades any shipping thread to post "muh endgame" AND /padt/ is a worse cesspool since "totally on the lips at 10 years old kissu" happened.Fuck Amour,fuck Shitrena and fuck her cult.
>>39125456 1. Shippers are cancer and always will be. Give them a female protag that actually likes the MC and they'll never shut up. That kiss was a condemnation
2. I was actually a fan of Serena. But she did fuck all halfway through XY. But she was given some slack and eventually grew as a character somewhat but
3.All that grown came to a grounding halt after she cut her hair. She was just relegated to being "the girl who likes Ash" and literally nothing else. It didn't help that this Ash was the blandest, most boring he's ever been and she was supposed to bring out more interaction. Every other character was more interesting than either of them
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>>39125456 Because they are lonely virgins who have never had sex. Its incel rage that enables these guys to attack Serena.
>>39125487 >>39125520 >>39125538 >>39125834 >>39125981 >>39126033 >>39126175 This is what I am talking about OP, look at these virgins. They look like they are presenting arguments but really what they say have one thing in common: the kiss.
Its literally incel rage that Ash got kissed by Serena that they hate her, nothing more.
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>>39125520 That. And I have basically not touched anything X/Y, so I really am going entirely by looks. She doesn't look like one for short hair, either.
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>>39126256 I'm
>>39125538 and I never said anything about the kiss nor that I hate her. I'm just pointing out that OP is being a fag talking about her design when her design is basically putting Ash in his face.
>>39126256 Even when you ignore the kiss, she was a shit character all throughout xyz. Everything she did stemmed from Ash. Take Ash out of the picture and she's just a worse dawn
>>39127248 I don't know if she'd actually be worse dawn when dawn was just fem ash.
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>>39125456 /vp/ is filled with contrarions. What do you expect? A huge chunk of the fanbase hates SM but here on /vp/ you'll find retards who think it's the best Pokemon season ever. She's pretty popular outside this shithole so don't worry, nobody hates here.
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>>39125456 Didn't read lol [/spoiler:lit] Anonymous
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>>39127311 Ash was still somewhat likeable
back then. He wasn't bland like in XY and not cringe in SM(though I will admit he started being both around DP). Being considered a female Ash isn't entirely a bad thing
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>>39125456 /vp/ has shit tastes? Wow who could have seen this coming? Surely not I.
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>>39125456 >cut off top of pants with socks >lingerie elsewhere >a fucking wrench I don't understand
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>>39125456 I don't hate her but I have something that bugs me
I almost never ship characters because it's meaningless most of the time, but I hoped that Serena and Ash would get together so that Ash couldn't travel to Arora
But instead Serena failed to her only useful purpose : keeping Ash with her so that the anime could promote a new main protag
Plus because of this forced shipping Serena is depicted in her second anime look in too much of her lewd fanart, instead of her superior game design Anonymous
Friendly reminder that all Serena fans are Nazis * Blonde hair, blue eyes, Hitler's "master race" * Clothing consists of red, black and white, the colours on the flag of Nazi Germany * Has the same hairline as Hitler * Is from a region that lines up perfectly with Nazi-occupied France. *Is in love with a male from a region based off the Japanese mainland, Nazi Germany's main ally.
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>>39125456 I wonder what Serena is fixing in OP's image
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>>39129443 wtf i love serena now
>>39125456 There's literally a Serena thread up EVERY Sunday that gets a lot of replies. Fuck off falseflagger.
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>>39125456 Vp's funniest thing in a month
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>Hate Serena No>Hate Serena fans Yes
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>>39129500 >Serenafags continue being fags Anonymous
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>>39125456 I like Serena but I hate her new anime design, she literally wears a fucking fedora.
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>>39125456 It's LITERALLY just asshurt shipper who are still seething over the fact that Serena got paired with Ash and blew their headcanon ships out of the water. It's been 6 years since this happened, it's been 3 years since she was last in the anime, yet they still screech and cry over it. It's hilariously pathetic.
Apparently the Naruto fanbase acts the same way, with autsists still crying over Hinata marrying Naruto.