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No.39145585 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>feel like doing a dumb run in a pokemon game that involves beating the game with only 6 random pokemon
>Pick whatever pokemon game to play
>start game and progress until free pokeballs and pokemart are avaliable
>buy 5-10 more pokeballs just in case (or just cheat in masterballs)
>go to some random number generator website and generate 6 numbers ranging from 1 to whatever the max national dex no. is in your game (386 in emerald for example)*

>legendaries are banned, dupes/same families are optional
>optionally, any number that matches with a 2nd/3rd evolution, make it a base poke instead (i.e, if i get swampert, make it a mudkip)*
>start changing wild pokemon near starting areas to ones with the same nat.dex number as the numbers generated. using wild pokemon modifier cheats from Action replay or whatever* and start catching them. nickname them.

>once you get the six pokemon you need, run to a pokemon centre, replace your starter with a poke that probably got boxed and heal them
>sell/discard any remaining pokeballs
>any pokemon that faints from then on must be released/permaboxed and you cannot catch any more pokemon to replace them (any pokeballs that are picked up must be discarded). If they all die, it's game over
>using pokemon centers/healing items are allowed

*Not needed if you are doing a randomizer run instead of a 'normal' one.


>What numbers/pokes did you get?
165- Ledyba
324- Illumise
359- Absol
271- Lombre
300- Skitty
337- Lunatone