>>39151728>this was the first study to be based on law-enforcement reports, animal control reports, and investigator statementsAgain, how many unreported bites and attacks do you think there are?
>They found that the most common contributing factors were: absence of an able-bodied person to intervene, no familiar relationship of victims with dogs, owner failure to neuter dogs, compromised ability of victims to interact appropriately with dogs (e.g. mental disabilities), dogs kept isolated from regular positive human interactions versus family dogs (e.g. dogs kept chained in backyards), owners' prior mismanagement of dogs, and owners' history of abuse or neglect of dogs. Furthermore, they found that in 80% of the incidents, 4 or more of the above factors co-occurred.Of course there are going to be root causes that makes a dog more prone to attack, but the fact is that pits are inherently more aggressive and much more likely to attack than other dogs. and yes, I'm going to blame pit mommies first, that's a given. They're the retards breeding the dog and creating more of them. The dog needs to be wiped from the gene pool of course but only after people are educated on how dangerous they are.
and like this Anon said
>>39151747link please. I'm not doubting the statement, it makes sense but Pits are just inherently violent creatures and nothing on this Earth will ever change my mind.