[42 / 4 / ?]
So what grief stage are you on in regards to Gamefreak finally doing a purge and hard reset on the 500+ Pokemon? Ive seen it all Denial>Gamefreak is going to release a patch >GF is a Japanese company, so they're not going to do such a dumb thing Anger>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE >Not gonna buy Bargaining>Pokebank is still there so I can pay and they will do someting in the future >Sign my petition so they can allow National Dex! Depression>What will happen to all my Pokemon? >It's about all the time I spent with my Pokemon Acceptance>What other game should I get into? >Im still going to buy it You all knew it was going to happen eventually, even the 14 year olds have seen the comic where the devs didn't know how to go beyond a literal GOD Pokemon. You knew it when they stopped having 150 new Pokemon in a gen. You knew it when Gen 5 locked out entire gens until post game. You might have ignored Pokemon Go, and you would have been wrong after it became the #1 app. You might have thought that Pokebank was the saving grace, and you might still be right. They might have a series split, a casual story mode Pokemon, and a full on competitive release that replaces the Stadium/Colosseum releases with full Pokebank support. In any case, what do you see in the future of Pokemon, now that the reset is happening, and are you optomistic?
I don't feel anything because pokémon died a long time ago
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The game looks fun and I have never transferred in 18 years so none?
I didn't buy a pokemon game in years. I'll just play some more romhacks. What I do feel is excitement for more butthurt on the board. It's fun.
>>39158941 >Anger >>Not gonna buy >Acceptance >>Im still going to buy it ???
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>>39158960 >I'm just here for the porn haha Anonymous
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>>39158986 He’s pushing the “You gonna buy it anyways, lol” meme.
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I'm just waiting for the datamine to see if the game is worth it.
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>>39158941 The franchise is dead since XY. This is its corpse lingering around.
Where have you been, OP?
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>>39158941 Literally couldn't give a flying fuck
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>I'm buying it, so you are! Kill this meme already. Shills cannot into logic.
Trypp F'haag !!bZFPoDj7jq3
Acceptance is not "I'm still going to buy it". It's more like "Fuck this shitty franchise, I'm done, I hope Masuda dies a paniful death! Peace! ".
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>>39158941 >when they stopped having new pokemon in a gen I knew gen 2 started all of this
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>>39158941 Acceptance, what other game should I get into?
I'm playing more and more of my backlog and eagerly awaiting Monster Hunter World: Iceborne come September.
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>>39158941 >when they stopped having 150 new pokemon in a gen I knew gen 2 started all of this
>>39158941 REEEEEEEEEEEEEE stage and that's not going to change anytime soon
GF and its apologists are absolute subhumans and deserve to be bullied at every chance
Trypp F'haag !!bZFPoDj7jq3
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>>39158941 Anger.
There is nothing left but anger and indignation.
I'm not buying, it's not the first gen I skip.
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Laughter. I’ve been waiting for a shitshow like this
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I moved on to smash Bros fandom and it’s a blast. Thank you sakuari for caring
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>>39158941 Acceptance is what I've been at the whole time because I don't really care since it doesn't bother me personally, and I'm still going to buy the games.
>>39158941 None, because the Kübler-Ross model of grief was discredit decades ago, and the creator of the model only intended for it to apply to illness and the approach of death.
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>>39160964 sounds like youre still in anger
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Anger, not toward the game but to the fanbase that lets shit like this happen in the first place. I haven't had any expectations from Game Freak for years. Fangames and romhacks have been the only good Pokemon games since XY if not earlier.
>>39162896 Damn it let me be pretentious on a platform where I don’t need to attach the pretentiousness to my name.
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>>39162919 wanna suck my cock baby
with your cute ass
Still bummed but I'll be fine because I'm an adult and pokemon home is fine with me. As long as the game doesn't hoist gen 1 mons and "shillmons" on me I'll be just fine. I also hope there's enough new Pokemon to build a team because I never do my first play through with old mons out of principle.
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>>39163330 > I'm an adult > This means i should bend over and let Masuda shove his tiny Yellow cock up my ass. Take an example of Etika and jump off a bridge.
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>>39158941 I don't feel anything because I don't have a Switch and would only buy one to pirate these games.
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Nothing is going to change there will be no N.Dex there will continued pandering to KAAAAAANTTTOOOOO and all of you fucking faggots will buy the game still even if you say "hurr durr I wont" this is what we all get, shit and we'll enjoy it unless the sells tank. But that wont happen due to all of you being so fucking stupid.
>>39163356 >thinks Dynamax is a gimmick, but realizes it adds to the game ok I'll bite. In what way does it add to the game?
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>>39158941 Post-acceptance, but I've went through all the stages over the last two gens. I know exactly what other series to follow and have been urging /vp/ to do the same for a while now.
Looking forward to the shitstorm that will be caused by Gamefreak releasing yet another subpar game in a row, though.
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>>39163356 >Brainless consumption >Chad ???
>>39165171 Strategy options
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>>39165274 >press button when your opponent presses button is this... the power... of the dynamax...?
I never gave a shit about transferring, so it doesn't affect me. I never got the Pokemon Bank, and I don't really give a shit about bringing my Pokemon from the old games.
>>39165335 One day Game Freak are going to do something that actually does affect you, and you'll be wondering who could have possibly allowed things to get to that point.