>>39186044Unaware is broken though. If shitty jack-of-all-trades statmons such as Clefable and Quagsire can be made OU viable with Unaware, imagine how OP it would be on a minmaxed Pokemon
Also, there's no reason why Celesteela should fucking learn Flamethrower and Leech Seed. The only arguments I hear for Celesteela learning Flamethrower is "Celesteela is a rocket". That would be all well and good, if Golurk (another similar rocket) could also learn Flamethrower, which it can't. Leech Seed is also retarded because Celesteela is a rocket. I don't care what it's based off, it shouldn't be able to learn Grass moves. It especially shouldn't outright outclass Skarmory, an OU staple since Gen 2. I don't mind Celesteela being a sidegrade, but not a straight up upgrade. Its high BST, well-rounded stats and ability doesn't help either
That's literally what power creep is. New Pokemon outclassing old Pokemon