>>39207831If you want to be real and intelligent about this, the whole thing makes no sense and the dex cull is the most concrete example because GF have spoken out on it.
Masuda has gone on record in Gematsu as saying that the reason for the dex cull was because of 3D models taking too much time to develop. S/S uses the same 3D models as X/Y, S/M, ORAS, USUM etc. we know this as a fact.
So the statement that 3D models are taking up development time is an outright lie and we need to know why he has lied before we look at anything else - That's the red flag, not 'gamefreak is lazy', 'please understand' etc. Masuda has lied and instead of calling him a shitty person we need to accept that there is a reason for that lie somewhere.
That's the important thing, the reason the games are suffering is whatever causes this dex cull. GF are not doing something and they are unable to tell us why. I'm not calling a conspiracy, but Masuda clearly isn't happy about this either but has no leverage over whatever situation is tying GFs hands.
I personally believe there is in-fighting between Game Freak and Creatures/TPC and that will probably be the death of the franchise if it doesn't get resolved. What we get mad about as fans doesn't really matter because we all know it will sell, but there's dissatisfaction from the GF camp and that will reach boiling point somewhere down the line.