>>39225314I have big ass hands - bear paws as people have been wont to call them since I was, like 15.
The Joycon are perfectly fine for even my hands.
Meanwhile, the dpad on the Pro Controller is utter trash (baffling since Nintendo's always been good at them - they literally even had the patent on the only good design for dpads originally). Also, the face buttons on it are just way too fucking big forcing them to be way too fucking far apart in addition to the general larger spacing of everything to be usable for many games.
No way in hell you're running around in games that require holding a button while moving the camera. A game like BotW is unplayable entirely if you're not using the Joycon because who the fuck likes stopping every time you need to rearrange the camera while going somewhere? The joycon are just the right size to hold run and using a lower portion of the same thumb to move the right stick for the camera.
I wasn't too keen on the dpoints on the left Joycon at first but I got used to them and really if it was between that and another shitty Pro Controller type dpad, I'd deal with them even if I hadn't gotten used to them. At least you can't press multiple directions at once on them.
Pro Controller is the only thing I've bought and was disappointed by thus far and I bought Trash Go second hand. At least I knew they were trash going in though.