[8 / 2 / ?]
RISE UP GAMERS #BRINGBACKNATIONALDEX Gamefreak must understand that they OWE us and that they MUST do what WE want and cater to OUR desires You fucking lazy faggot fucks, you make the games for US. Chop chop, you fucking ching chong Japs. Stop being lazy and put all the fucking Pokemon in the game already WE are the fans and DEMAND respect
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well it is their job to make games so if they can't do a good job of making games then they shouldn't be doing that job
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based buyfag falseflagger
>>39236707 Quit yours, shill.
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>>39236692 >game sells around or above expectations (which is likely no matter what because of brand loyalists, uninformed masses and other walking moneybags) >GameFreak continues what they're doing because money has a louder voice than anything else on the planet >game sells below expectations (or heaven forbid worse than LGPE) >GameFreak assumes the poor sales are because everyone got overwhelmed by the barrage of new Pokemon compared to LGPE's 153, now every game going forward will only have a roster of about <250 with 183 of those slots already being taken up by Kantomons and their cross-gen family members, the rest being taken up by reliable shillmons and new Pokemon that fulfill the obligatory new gen quota of regional Bug/Bird/Rodent/Pikaclone/Dog/Cat/Psuedo/etc Anonymous
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>>39236729 nah then I can't pay for things I like. Also really? A shill. I'm not even buying the games you stupid shit.