>>39250676I'll defend it in a very backhanded way by suggesting that it's because Gamefreak aren't used to coding a free-moving camera.
Qualitree looks like the kind of object you would see from a very far distance, where objects become very low fidelity to save on processing power. For whatever reason, this tree uses the wrong model. Of course, I can't prove this at all, but I'd find it hard to believe they wouldn't have made another tree model since LGPE that they could recycle instead of making a really cheap-looking one from scratch.
It's not at all at an acceptable state to show off to the world, but those are my two cents.
>>39252849I think that argument would be truer if this was the opposite: in Zelda it'd be important to know what exactly you could climb at a glance, so being simple would work. If it's just pure decoration though, it might as well look as nice as possible.
Ideally, both would look as nice as possible.