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No.39254810 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm with the Heroes7, an online blog dedicated to leaking video game content. I have here in front of me a finalized copy of Sword and Shield. The games are pretty much done at this point and the team is mostly working on fixing bugs.

>There will be no patches
>There will be only five hundred Pokemon available
>A good number of generation 1 Pokemon will NOT be in Sword and Shield
>Surprisingly Dexit is incorporated into the plot... the bad guys believe that only the Galar Native Pokemon should live in Galar, since invasive species from other regions have been disastrous for the environment.
>There are 150 new Pokemon. So hilariously this new team believes that there are 'Only' 150 Pokemon.
>The game is big on emphasizing the harm that Pokemon from other regions can have on the environment. For example there is a river filled with Muk that ruined the habitats of native water type Pokemon.
>Big focus on Gen 5 mons and lots of trainers from Unova... supposedly this is because of America and the U.K.'s history. Lore indicates a long history of rivalry between the two regions.