Honest question: how aware is the normie Japanese audience of the dex problem?
Because when you think about it, Japan didn't get the news officially yet. It happened during E3, which I don't know how many people over there watch. There was a Famitsu interview with Masuda posted on the 13th, with a title that didn't clearly give away that they were cutting Pokemon (it's basically "things you want to know about pokemon sword/shield, aimed straight at mr. Masuda and mr. Ohmori!) and the official Japanese social media never linked that interview anywhere. Most importantly, Masuda's letter is NOT on the Japanese website.
Please notice my emphasis on "normie" because I do know there were some reactions from gamers there, mostly those that know how to navigate English twitter and take a look at gaming journalism. Over here, normies found out only because of hashtags trending and comments on NA/Euro social media, not because they actually watch E3.
Could we expect this to get bigger when they catch on? The lack of Masuda's message on their site is the thing that calls my attention the most.